Projeto da University of Southern California estimula atividades de Media Literacy

Compartilhamos abaixo algumas dicas de atividades relacionadas a Media Literacy do projeto "Critical Media", desenvolvido por profesSores e alunos da Escola Annemberg de Comunicação e Jornalismo, da University of Southern California. O projeto tem a direção da Profª Dra. Alison Trope e gerência do Profº Dr. Garrett Broad. Também compartilhamos do projeto alguns sites que podem ser úteis na pesquisa e realização de atividades ligadas à educação mediática. A dica de leitura foi do Profº Dr. Manuel Pinto, da Universidade do Minho (Braga/Portugal).

Para conhecer o projeto e ver os tópicos com os quais trabalha (gênero, raça, classe social, etc), vídeos, bibliografia, etc, basta acessar:

Boa leitura!

Sugestões de atividades:

The Media and me

As a reflection exercise, ask students to consider what makes up their identity and which facets of their identity are most important to them (sex, race, ethnicity, age, socio-economic class, sexual orientation, nationality, religion, etc.). Then ask students to think about how their identity has potentially been shaped by the media. Have each student bring in or identify a piece of media that has personally impacted them. This could be done periodically throughout a unit or semester, as homework or a blog. For discussion:
  • Did this media in any way shape your understanding of your identity (gender, race, class, sexuality, etc.)? If so, offer a specific example.
  • Did this media impact your behavior? Did you reenact something you saw? Did you buy something?
  • Did this media impact how you see yourself or think about your appearance? 

Find the Stereotype

Have students re-view a TV show they regularly watch or view some of the media examples on this site and list all the stereotypes they see. This could also be designed as a multi-day journal assignment that encompasses all media viewed outside of school. For discussion:
  • What is a stereotype?
  • How do we identify them? And what do they tell us?
  • Is it important to be aware of stereotypes in the media? Why or why not? 
"You Decide"

Transcribe the action and dialogue from a scene in your favorite movie. Rewrite the scene by changing the gender, race, class or sexual orientation of the protagnoist. Perform the scene in class and compare it to the original. For discussion:
  • Aside from the character's identity, did you need to alter anything else so that the scene made sense? Why?
  • Did the changes impact the outcome of the scene or the intended meaning of the original story?
  • How do you think writers make decisions about a character's identity (what they look like, where they live, how they speak, etc.)? 

Useful Links: 

General Resources & Media Criticism

Antenna: A collectively authored media and cultural studies blog committed to timely yet careful analysis of texts, news, and events from across the popular culture spectrum. The site regularly responds to new works and developments in television, film, music, gaming, digital video, the Internet, print, and the media industries.
CulturalStudies Podcast: podcasts featuring conversations with artists, writers, intellectuals, workers about the politics of culture.
Flow: An online journal of television and media studies launched in October 2004. Flow’s mission is to provide a critical forum where scholars, teachers, students, and the general public can read about and discuss the changing landscape of contemporary media at the speed that media moves.
In Media Res: website dedicated to experimenting with collaborative, multi-modal forms of online scholarship, and to promote an online dialogue amongst scholars and the public about contemporary approaches to studying media. The site presents theme weeks curated by media scholars.
Sociological Images: website designed to encourage all kinds of people to exercise and develop their sociological imagination by presenting brief sociological discussions of compelling and timely imagery that spans the breadth of sociological inquiry.

Media Literacy Resources 

Center for Media Literacy

Educational Equity Compliance: This site details student rights regarding equal access to educational programs and activities at schools within LAUSD, offering downloadable PDFs on bullying, sexual harassment and other discrimination that may come up in school context.
FAIR: Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting is a watchdog group offering well-documented criticism of media bias and censorship since 1986.


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