On the Market: Thinking Critically About Advertising
Compartilhamos Plano de Aula do New York Times para os professores dicutirem publicidade com seus alunos. By Annissa Hambouz and Holly Epstein Ojalvo - News York Times Overview | How are food and beverage marketers blurring the line between advertising and entertainment to engage young consumers, and why does this concern nutrition experts and children’s advocates? To what extent are product-related games, quizzes and apps making children both recipients and tools of marketing? In this lesson, students consider various forms of advertising, then keep logs of the ads and other branded content they encounter in a specified period, and reflect on their experiences with marketing. Materials | Computers with Internet access, copies of or links to examples of advertisements and commercials (see below for details) Warm-Up | Before class, display the following three-question quiz on the board or distribute it in a handout: 1. It is conservatively estimated that children influence...