A União Europeia tem um projeto dedicado ao uso dde HQ online na sala de aula. É o projeto Educomics!!! EduComics is an European Union Comenius education project under the Life Long Learning Programme (ref num 142424-2008-GR-COMENIUS-CMP). It will show educators how online comics can be used in the classroom to enhance learning, engage and motivate students, and use technology in a practical and effective way. The project will create training material for teachers and organise seminars for teachers in Greece, Cyprus, UK, Italy and Spain. These attending teachers will be able to apply strategies and lesson plans in their schools. The potential for Web comics to be used in education offers educators a means of using multimedia (text, images, audio and video) with their students in most curricular areas. For example, within science, a student can navigate through a web comic book that shows different characters/actors arguing about a science topic. In languages, characters could be plac...