99 Excellent Open Access Journals for Educators
Just like physicians, the best educators stay informed with the latest developments in their field. Luckily, it doesn’t take anything more than time to have access to quality journals for educators whether they teach at the pre K-12, college, or graduate level. The following open access journals provide top-notch scholarly information available at no cost. Most of these journals are published just once or a few times a year, so subscribe to several so you can keep up-to-date on the latest research coming out of the field of educatio n . Education Research, Practices, and Approaches These journals focus on research, practices, and specific approaches to education on all levels including pre K-12, college students in bachelor degree programs , and graduate students. Journal of Curriculum and Instruction . The articles here focus on research and practice relevant to pre K-12 education. The School Community Journal . The mission of this journal is to unit...