Outubro é o mês da Cibersegurança e da prevenção de bullying e cyberbullying

Dia 1 de Outubro, como forma de celebrar o Mês da Cibersegurança e o Mês da Prevenção do Bullying e Cyberbullying, o projeto Cyberbullying.PT dará início a uma série de Facebook Lives sobre tópicos relacionados com o cyberbullying. 
Os lives terão convidados de Portugal, Brasil, Canadá, França, Estados Unidos e Reino Unido. Acompanhe em https://www.facebook.com/cyberbullying.pt/

"Estratégias de paternidade digital contra a Cyberbullying"
1 de Outubro - 16h30 (Hora de Brasília)

Guest: Elizabeth Milovidov, Consultant, Author & Founder
Dr. Elizabeth Milovidov is a mom to two tech-savvy little boys, a lawyer, law professor and eSafety consultant. She is an independent expert on Digital Parenting and Children and Internet for the Council of Europe, a European advisor for e-Enfance and also provides consultancy support to the UK Safer Internet Centre and Internet Matters. Her core work involves researching solutions in the digital age: Author and speaker, she also moderates a Facebook community for parenting in the digital age.

Co-Host: Sónia Seixas,
Born in Lisbon, Portugal, in 1970, has a degree in Social Anthropology from I.S.C.T.E. and Educational Psychology from I.S.P.A.. Has a PhD in Educational Psychology from the University of Coimbra, with a thesis on bullying behaviors and health. Teaches in higher education since 1998, mainly teaching courses in the context of developmental and learning psychology, currently teaching at the Santarém’s School of Higher Education. Co-Author of the book "Cyberbullying - Um guia para pais e educadores" (Lisbon, 2016)

Co-Host: Tito de Morais, The Internet Safety Guy
Founded Portugal's pioneer and widest reach Internet safety project in 2003 (KidsSafeOnThe.Net Project) and has been running it since then. Tito is on the Advisory Board of Portugal’s Safer Internet Center, on Board of International Advisors of Cybersafety India, on the Advisory Board of the Portuguese team of the EuKidsOnline project, collaborated with NetChildrenGoMobile’s Portuguese team and was an external evaluator of “Cyber Training – Taking Action Against Cyberbullying”, a project that produced a train-the-trainer manual on cyberbullying. Represents StopCyberbullying and CyberSafety.org in Portugal and Projeto MiudosSegurosNa.Net as Partner at Google’s Family Safety Center and Facebook’s Safety Center. Tito is a member of the International Bullying Prevention Association and the Cybersafety Standards Task Force. Co-Author of the book "Cyberbullying - Um guia para pais e educadores" (Lisbon, 2016)

"A discussão de Cyberbullying: perspectivas históricas de ambos os lados do Atlântico"

3 de Outubro - 17h30 (Hora de Brasília)

Guest: Anne Collier
Anne Collier is founder and executive director of The Net Safety Collaborative, the national nonprofit organization that is piloting a US social media helpline for schools. A youth advocate with more than 20 years’ experience researching, writing and speaking nationally and internationally about kids and digital media, Anne serves on the Trust & Safety advisory boards of Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and YouTube. Based with her family in the Salt Lake City area, she blogs at NetFamilyNews.org.

Co-Host: Sónia Seixas,

Co-Host: Tito de Morais, The Internet Safety Guy


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