Youth and Media

When societies worry about media effects, why do they focus so much on young people? Is advertising to blame for binge drinking? Do films and video games inspire school shootings? Tackling these kinds of questions, Youth and Media explains why young people are at the centre of how we understand the media.

Exploring key issues in politics, technology, celebrity, advertising, gender and globalization, Andy Ruddock offers a fascinating introduction to how media define the identities and social imaginations of young people. The result is a systematic guide to how the notion of media influence 'works' when daily life compels young people to act out their relationships through media content and technologies.

Complete with helpful chapter guides, summaries and lively case studies drawn from a truly global context, Youth and Media is an engaging and accessible introduction to how the media shape our lives. This book is ideal for students of media studies, communication studies and sociology.

Table of Contents:
Why Youth Media?
Understanding Media Content: Social and Cultural Approaches 
to Media Effects
Understanding the Influence of Media Technologies: Youth, 
Dissent, Social Media and Social History
Understanding Global Media Industries: China, Reality Television 
and Media Governance
Understanding Media Users: Girls. Mobile Phones and Identities
Understanding Media Violence: School Shootings, Media Stories
and the Framing of Social Reality
Understanding Advertising and Marketing: Students and Alcohol
Understanding Political Communication: Barack Obama Media 
Convergence and Mediated Intimacy
Understanding Celebrity: Bam Margera and the Role of Sport in 
Media Convergence
Understanding Critical Media Studies: Child Soldiers, Media 
Business and Media Education
Epilogue: Doing Youth and Media

Youth and Media
Andy Ruddock
Sage Publications Ltd
232 pages
March 2013


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