Polônia recebe Youth Engagement Summit em dezembro

Entre os dias 2 e 4 de dezembro em Varsóvia, Polônia, acontece a Conferência Mundial de Jovens Leitores (Youth Engagement Summit) e a cerimônia de premiação dos vencedores do Prêmio Mundial Jovens Leitores (World Young Readers Prize), da Associação Mundial de Jornais e Editores de Notícias (WAN-IFRA). O evento é uma realização conjunta com os jornais Gazeta Wyborca e Metro, da Polônia. Veja mais informações abaixo e confira a programação preliminar. 

This gathering is for people who believe that no matter what business model we devise or platforms we choose or freedoms we defend, it will all be for naught if we do not pay smart attention, right now, to youth. In this event will be explored how to do that, starting with that latest winning strategies and moving beyond to what else is worth considering. 
This work begins with helping assure basic reading skills on any platform and continues through to the most creative and effective digital connections we can possibly make, with a consideration of our core purpose -- journalism -- all the way along.
The public will be invited to look at the best practices of today, celebrate the latest winners of the World Young Reader Prize of World Association of Newspaper and News Editors and explore ideas for what should happen next.
You can register and make a hotel booking now (click in panel at right) and download the preliminary programme.

 What they've said at and about previous versions of this event:

 "This meeting is NOT for people who want to discuss how important young readers are for the future of newspapers. We know it already. We meet rather to share case studies on successful initiatives, to discuss in detail what works and what is a waste of money, and to network with people like us who prefer to face challenges in a bold way instead of only talking about them. Last time I got ... three ideas I wanted to try at home as quickly as possible. One of them evolved into the biggest educational campaign of my newspaper in the decade. I will be happy to tell you this story when we meet in Poland.” 
Grzegorz Piechota , European president, International News Marketing Association
and director of editorial development, Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland.
“Far ahead of academic guessing, WAN-IFRA’s youth engagement conferences provide practical ideas to improve, immediately, the readership of the news we produce on any platform available, among young readers and also not-so-ones who have contemporary minds. Fresh ideas straight from the sources who are facing and winning the present challenges of the industry assure that nobody returns home without a bunch of good reasons to turn the tide to our side.”
Marcelo Rech, general director of journalism, RBS Group, Brazil
"Newspapers are an infinite treasure trove of strong ideas which are still relevant in the era of Miley Cyrus and social media. What I'm looking forward to are ways in which innovation can take place to reinvent these old ideas and bring them to a new level for the young reader of tomorrow. After last year's (Asia-Pacific regional youth summit) in Bangkok I came away inspired to think of my publications as a way to captivate the hearts of my readers, not just their minds." 
 Serene Goh, schools magazines editor, The Straits Times, Singapore  
“The most important thing of all is to try new approaches. The media world is changing quickly and the younger target group has needs that are different from earlier generations. Creativity, flexibility and speed become important success factors. You have to dare to test boundaries - without fear of failure. You have everything to gain.”
Anna Holmquist, chief editor, familjeliv.se, Sweden
“To get in touch with a young audience, you need to give this work to people who are really close to this generation.”
Boris Trupčević, general manager, 24sata, Croatia


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