Media and information dialogue can change us World

Entre 22 e 25 de Maio, em Barcelona/Espanha, aconteceu o Milid Week, evento organizado pelo Gabinete de Comunicação da Universidade Autônoma de Barcelona em colaboração com a Mentor (International Association on Media Education) e diversos parceiros, entre eles a USP, do Brasil.
A semana Milid foi um espaço que promoveu o contato e a cooperação entre organizações internacionais, associações, ONGs, universidades, mídia, grupos de pesquisa, pesquisadores, professores e estudantes de todo o mundo que trabalham com "literacia mediática", informação e diálogo intercultural.
Veja abaixo um texto de Eloisa De Felice, uma das palestrantes do evento!
By Eloisa De Felice -  Speaker on Milid Week
-Special thanks to Elisabetta Marino-
From Egypt to China, from USA to Jamaica, from Japan to Sweden, and more: Italy, Finland, Morocco, Brasil, Mexico and many more. Languages and culture, really, from all over the world! A multi-coloured palette, amazing and fascinating, created by its participants. To welcome them, in its caliente embrace, the city of Barcelona, Spain. Now, then, “think of Dante and tell him: write the Divina Commedia in only 140 characters!” and here’s to you Milid Week or: Media and Information Literacy and International Dialogue. An intense week to work, sponsored by, among others, UNESCO, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, and UNAOC, United Nations Alliance of Civilizations.
“Media and information as a new platform on which one can build something good and common” said Jordi Torrent, from UNAOC, because media, especially the social media, are changing our life and our society because they are having, among others, a politic and economic impact. For example, you can think about the events of Arab Spring. But more. Network for interchange, also for relation, for single, culture and continents, can change the conception of the term “network”. For example, also the mafia is a network, but not in the meaning of the term “we like”, said Fabio Tropea, semiotic, from Autonomous University of Barcelona.
Media, therefore, not only as a technological tool, but also as a tool for education and training, for young people, for adults, for everyone! A media education that starts from the primary school, until the university and more, to be the key for breaking down stereotypes, too! The Italians are not only eat macaroni and Arabs are not all Muslim extremists! Connect us and speak with the others, also with social media. Listen to their voice and their point of view. Try to understand their cultural diversity and try to love their uniqueness. Let us not be overwhelmed by rampant technological reductionism and/or digital illiteracy. Work together to built a new world! That goes beyond the differences, that goes beyond the crisis, currently prevailing! Then, having said that, like Enrique Martínez Salanova, Vicepresident of Comunicar group: “you can’t play well the electronic guitar if you can’t play well the classic guitar and you can say the same for the media”, we must always continue to learn and will is power!


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