What to do during the quarantine - O que fazer durante a quarentena
Staying at home during quarantine is a must for one’s own health and the safety of the entire community. To spend a day or two without going out is often very pleasurable: having a good sleep and staying in a cozy place is so much recreational. Yet, a week or two at home may seem exhausting and feel like torture. At first glance, it suggests nothing interesting but apart from boredom and binge Netflix there are lots of interesting and useful activities one can do to stay active and happy during the quarantine.
Ficar em casa durante a quarentena é essencial para a própria saúde e a segurança de toda a comunidade. Passar um dia ou dois sem sair muitas vezes é muito agradável: dormir bem e ficar em um lugar aconchegante é muito divertido. No entanto, uma ou duas semanas em casa podem parecer cansativas e parecer tortura. À primeira vista, isso não sugere nada de interessante, mas, além do tédio, da compulsão alimentar e da Netflix, há muitas atividades interessantes e úteis que podemos fazer para permanecer ativo e feliz durante a quarentena.
A Plataforma Edubirdie tem algumas sugestões e dicas (em inglês) para fazer durante o distanciamento social:
Khan Academy - Always wanted to learn calculus, or maybe chemistry, or macroeconomics? This platform offers numerous STEM courses for free without any limitations. (https://www.khanacademy.org/)
FutureLearn - Be it Shakespearean studies, biology or psychology, FutureLearn has an interesting course about it. (https://www.futurelearn.com/)
Duolingo - If you dreamed about learning French but never had enough time to start, now you have a good opportunity. The service offers courses in numerous languages, so why not start speaking Japanese today? (https://en.duolingo.com/)
Udemy - This educational platform offers a wide range of courses from pet care to investment and trading. (https://www.udemy.com/)
Udacity - While staying at home you can become a true Tony Stark with courses in robotics software engineering, artificial intelligence, and data science. (https://www.udacity.com/)
And more...
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To see the full article / Para ver o texto completo, acesse: https://edubirdie.com/blog/what-to-do-during-quarantine
Ficar em casa durante a quarentena é essencial para a própria saúde e a segurança de toda a comunidade. Passar um dia ou dois sem sair muitas vezes é muito agradável: dormir bem e ficar em um lugar aconchegante é muito divertido. No entanto, uma ou duas semanas em casa podem parecer cansativas e parecer tortura. À primeira vista, isso não sugere nada de interessante, mas, além do tédio, da compulsão alimentar e da Netflix, há muitas atividades interessantes e úteis que podemos fazer para permanecer ativo e feliz durante a quarentena.
A Plataforma Edubirdie tem algumas sugestões e dicas (em inglês) para fazer durante o distanciamento social:
Khan Academy - Always wanted to learn calculus, or maybe chemistry, or macroeconomics? This platform offers numerous STEM courses for free without any limitations. (https://www.khanacademy.org/)
FutureLearn - Be it Shakespearean studies, biology or psychology, FutureLearn has an interesting course about it. (https://www.futurelearn.com/)
Duolingo - If you dreamed about learning French but never had enough time to start, now you have a good opportunity. The service offers courses in numerous languages, so why not start speaking Japanese today? (https://en.duolingo.com/)
Udemy - This educational platform offers a wide range of courses from pet care to investment and trading. (https://www.udemy.com/)
Udacity - While staying at home you can become a true Tony Stark with courses in robotics software engineering, artificial intelligence, and data science. (https://www.udacity.com/)
And more...
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To see the full article / Para ver o texto completo, acesse: https://edubirdie.com/blog/what-to-do-during-quarantine
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