Editors' Lab Winner De Volkskrant Creates News Website For Kids

The Editors' Lab – Amsterdam was co-organized by NOS and the Global Editors Network from 21 – 22 May and hosted at NOS' headquarters. The event was based on the theme of “Journalistic Tools For Engaging Young Users”. It is part of a series of international hackdays hosted by world-renowned newsrooms and sponsored by Google and the Knight Foundation.
The Winning Project
De Volkskrant won the Editors’ Lab competition with its project Nieuws-Je (translated to “News-I” in English), which is designed to be a simplified news website targeted to children between ages 7 – 12. The website has a user-friendly interface and children can create avatars to help them discover news stories. De Volkskrant has been selected by the two jury members of Editors' Lab Amsterdam, Jan Jaap Heif, CEO and founder of De Nieuwe Press, and Antoine Laurent, Deputy Director of the Global Editors Network.

The Editors' Lab Amsterdam teams which participated in the hackdays competition included: Follow The Money, NOS Nieuws, Omroep Brabant, RTV Noord, Telegraaf, The Post Online, VPRO, VRT Nieuws, and VTM Nieuws. Each team is composed of one journalist, one designer, and one developer who created innovative apps, data journalism projects, and interactive content around the Editors’ Lab theme of youth engagement. All the projects from the Editors' Lab Amsterdam may be found below, and users can vote for their favorite concept. 

The schedule during the two days alternated between working sessions and the following masterclasses:

• “Google tools to help you reach and engage young readers” by Vanessa Schneider, Google USA
• "How to set up a successful data journalism department in a newsroom" by Sascha Venohr, Head of Data Journalism at Zeit Online
•  "Youtube's strategy to reach teenagers", a keynote speech by Gregory Dray, Head of Youtube EMEA.
The Prizes For The Editors’ Lab Amsterdam Winner 
The team won 5000 euros and will move on to compete in the GEN News Hackathon. This final stage of the Editors’ Lab international tournament will occur during the GEN News Summit in Paris from June 19 – 21, 2013.


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