Young People, ICTs and Democracy. Theories, Policies, Identities and Websites

O Nordicom, Nordic Information Centre for Media and Communication Research, acaba de lançar o livro "Young People, ICTs and Democracy. Theories, Policies, Identities and Websites". Esta nova publicação, da autoria de Tobias Olsson e Peter Dahlgren, oferece reflexões teóricas sobre o potencial cívico da Internet, análises dos interesses e desenvolvimento das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC), assim como estudos sobre as práticas diárias dos jovens na Internet.

A obra trata a retórica da Internet e as suas potenciais implicações na esfera política, no que diz respeito aos jovens. Com o uso de vocábulos como "e-geração" ou "geração messenger", este estudo analisa o eventual contributo transformador das chamadas TIC.

Algumas ideias orientadoras do livro:
"The rhetoric on the Internet and its potential implications for the sphere of politics have been especially pertinent in regard to young people. Through the use of notions such as ”the e-generation” or ”the messenger generation”, the new ICT’s supposed transformative potential has been identified and discussed. Just based on the title of this book, it might seem as if we are offering a similar approach here – speculative reflections on the significance of the Internet for young people’s engagement and participation.

However, the reader expecting discussions on how the various generations of the Web have turned the political and democratic world upside down will be disappointed. What this book offers instead are theoretical reflections on the Internet’s civic potential: analyses of policy concerns connected to its development, and elusive case studies of civic websites as well as young people’s everyday Web practices. Basically, the chapters in this book seek to analyze rather than mythologize the Internet’s political implications for young people."

Fonte: Educomunicação


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