Media literacy research and policy in Europe. A review of recent, current and planned activities

Media literacy research and policy in Europe. A review of recent, current and planned activities is "the report of an expert seminar held in Brussels on 12/09/13, organised by the Media Literacy Task Force of the COST Action, Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies. 25 media literacy experts from academia, policy and regulatory institutions came together to identify the current state of play and future directions for media literacy research and policy in Europe. In addition to capturing the main contributions made during the seminar, the report pulls out the recent history of media literacy policy at European level and highlights new indications of interest in this domain within the EC. The report concludes with recommendations for advancing this increasingly important area of research and policy".

By Livingstone, S., Bulger, M. & Zaborowski, R. 
2013 - London

To read the reportclick here:


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